Group of Statistical Physics


Experimental, observational and computational

1. A. Upadhyaya, J.P. Rieu, J. A. Glazier, Y. Sawada
Anomalous diffusion and non-Gaussian velocity distribution of hydra cells in cellular aggregates
Physica A 293, 549-558 (2001)

2. K. E. Daniels, C. Beck, E. Bodenschatz
Defect turbulence and generalized statistical mechanics
Physica D 193, 208-217 (2004)

3. L. F. Burlaga, A.F. -Viñas
Triangle for the entropic index q of non-extensive statistical mechanics observed by Voyager 1 in the distant heliosphere
Physica A 356, 375-384 (2005)

4. P. Douglas, S. Bergamini, and F. Renzoni
Tunable Tsallis distributions in dissipative optical lattices
Physical Review Letters 96, 110601 (2006)

5. B. Liu and J. Goree
Superdiffusion and non-Gaussian statistics in a driven-dissipative 2D dusty plasma
Physical Review Letters 100, 055003 (2008)

6. J. C. Carvalho, R. Silva, J. D. do Nascimento jr.,J. R. De Medeiros
Power law statistics and stellar rotational velocities in the Pleiades
Europhysics Letters 84, 59001 (2008)

7. R. G. DeVoe
Power-Law Distributions for a Trapped Ion Interacting with a Classical Buffer Gas
Physical Review Letters 102, 063001(2009)

8. R.M. Pickup, R. Cywinski, C. Pappas, B. Farago, P. Fouquet
Generalized spin-glass relaxation
Physical Review Letters 102, 097202 (2009)

9. S. Weili, M. Yu, C. Zhanfang, Z. Hongbiao
Research of Automatic Medical Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Tsallis Entropy and Improved PCNN
International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, IEEE, 1004-1008 (2009)

10. L.F. Burlaga, N.F. Ness
Compressible "turbulence" observed in the heliosheath by Voyager 2
The Astrophysical Journal 703, 311-324 (2009)

11. P.R.B. Diniz, L.O. Murta-Junior, D.G. Brum, D.B. de Araújo, A.C. Santos
Brain tissue segmentation using q-entropy in multiple sclerosis magnetic resonance images
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 43(1), 77-84 (2010)

12. V. Khachatryan et al, (CMS Collaboration)
Transverse-momentum and pseudorapidity distributions of charged hadrons in pp collisions at √s = 0.9 and 2.36TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics 02, 041 (2010)

13. G.L. Ferri, M.F. R. Savio, A. Plastino
Tsallis' q-triplet and the ozone layer
Physica A 389, 1829-1833 (2010)

14. A. Esquivel, A. Lazarian
Tsallis statistics as a tool for studying interstellar turbulence
The Astrophysical Journal 710, 125-132 (2010)

15. CMS Collaboration
Transverse-Momentum and Pseudorapidity Distributions of Charged Hadrons in Collisions at √s=7 TeV
Physical Review Letters 105, 022002 (2010)

16. M. Shao, L. Yi, Z. Tang, H. Chen, C. Li and Z. Xu
Examination of the species and beam energy dependence of particle spectra using Tsallis statistics
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particles Physics 37, 085104 (2010)

17. O. Sotolongo-Grau, D. Rodríguez-Pérez, J. C. Antoranz, O. Sotolongo-Costa
Tissue Radiation Response with Maximum Tsallis Entropy
Physical Review Letters 105, 158105 (2010)

18. Mohanalin, Beenamol, P. K. Kalra, N. Kumar
A novel automatic microcalcification detection technique using Tsallis entropy & a type II fuzzy index
Computers and Mathematics with Applications; 60, 2426-2432 (2010)

19. ALICE Collaboration
Transverse momentum spectra of charged particles in proton-proton collisions at vs = 900 GeV with ALICE at the LHC
Physics Letters B 693 53-68 (2010)

20. PHENIX Collaboration
Measurement of neutral mesons in p+p collisions at √s = 200 GeV and scaling properties of hadron production
Physical Review D 83, 052004 (2011)

21. PHENIX Collaboration
Nuclear modification factors of φ mesons in d + Au, Cu + Cu, and Au + Au collisions at√sNN = 200 GeV
Physical Review C 83, 024909 (2011)

22. ALICE Collaboration
Strange particle production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 0.9 TeV with ALICE at the LHC
The European Physical Journal C 71, 1594 (2011)

23. ALICE Collaboration
Production of pions, kaons and protons in pp collisions at √s = 900 GeV with ALICE at the LHC
The European Physical Journal C 71, 1655 (2011)

24. ATLAS Collaboration
Charged-particle multiplicities in ppinteractions measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
New Journal of Physics 13, 053033 (2011)

25. V. García-Morales, K. Krischer
Superstatistics in nanoscale electrochemical systems
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, 19535-19539 (2011)

26. A. S. Betzler, E. P. Borges
Nonextensive distributions of asteroid rotation periods and diameters
Astronomy & Astrophysics 539, A158 (2012)

27. C. Y. Wong, G. Wilk
Tsallis fits to pT spectra for pp collisions at the LHC
Acta Physica Polonica B 43 (11), 2047-2054 (2012)

28. C. Y. Wong, G. Wilk
Tsallis fits to pT spectra and multiple hard scattering in pp collisions at the LHC
Physical Review D 87, 114007 (2013)

29. L. Marques, E. Andrade-II, A. Deppman
Nonextensivity of hadronic systems
Physical Review D 87, 114022 (2013)

30. G. Ruiz, C. Tsallis
Reply to Comment on "Towards a large deviation theory for strongly correlated systems"
Physics Letters A 377, 491-495 (2013)

31. Y. Shikano, T. Wada, J. Horikawa
Discrete-time quantum walk with feed-forward quantum coin
Nature/Scientific Reports 4, 4427 (2014)

32. H. Christodoulidi, C. Tsallis, T. Bountis
Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model with long-range interactions: Dynamics and thermostatistics
Europhysics Letters 108, 40006 (2014)

33. M. I. Bogachev, A. R. Kayumov, A. Bunde
Universal Internucleotide Statistics in Full Genomes: A Footprint of the DNA Structure and Packaging?
PLoS ONE 9 (12), e112534 (2014)

34. L. J. L. Cirto, Vladimir R. V. Assis, C. Tsallis
Influence of the interaction range on the thermostatistics of a classical many-body system
Physica A 393, 286-296 (2014)

35. G. Combe, V. Richefeu, M. Stasiak, A. P. F. Atman
Experimental validation of a nonextensive scaling law in confined granular media
Physical Review Letters 115, 238301 (2015)

36. U. Tirnakli, E. P. Borges
The standard map: From Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics to Tsallis statistics
Nature/Scientific Reports 6, 23644 (2016)

37. L. J. L. Cirto, A. Rodriguez, F. D. Nobre and C. Tsallis
Validity and failure of the Boltzmann weight
Europhysics Letters 123, 30003 (2018)

38. G. A. Casas, F. D. Nobre and E. M. F. Curado
New type of equilibrium distribution for a system of charges in a spherically
Europhysics Letters 126, 10005 (2019)

39. Marco Smolla, Benjamin Schäfer, Harald Lesch and Christian Beck
Universal properties of primary and secondary cosmic ray energy spectra
New J. Phys. 22, 093002 (2020) 

40. Shao-Zhen Lin, Peng-Cheng Chen, Liu-Yuan Guan, Yue Shao, Yu-Kun Hao, Qunyang Li, Bo Li, David A. Weitz and Xi-Qiao Feng 
Universal Statistical Laws for the Velocities of Collective Migrating Cells
Adv. Biosys., 4, 2000065 (2020) 

41. Sabine Wollmann, Roope Uola and Ana C. S. Costa
Experimental Demonstration of Robust Quantum Steering
Physical Review Letters 125, 020404 (2020)

42. C. Tsallis, Rute Oliveira
Complex network growth model: Possible isomorphism between nonextensive statistical mechanics and random geometry
Chaos 32, 053126 (2022)

43. Robert Wild, Markus Nötzold, Malcolm Simpson, Thuy Dung Tran and Roland Webster
Tunnelling measured in a very slow ion– molecule reaction
Nature 615, 425  (2023)

44. Huibin Qiu, Zuozhi Hu, ShengfaWu, Jiangcun Chen, Chengjie Zhong, JunjieWu, Xiaobin Li, Donghua Xiao, Chunhui Shi, Junhui Liu, Wenjun Xiong , Tianyi Hu, Qilong Cai & YoulongYuan
Initial analytical theory of plasma disruption and experimental evidence
Scientific Reports 13, 9551  (2023)

45. Dimitri Marques Abramov, ConstantinoTsallis and Henrique Santos Lima
Neural complexity through a nonextensive statistical–mechanical approach of human electroencephalograms
Scientific Reports 13, 10318 (2023)